Currently BigCommerce has limited transactional emails body to be within 65,536 characters.
This limitations meant that large email might run into "Email body too large" error when it is imported to BigCommerce.

  • We have added a feature request to BigCommerce requesting removal of this limit.
  • To help us get this implemented, please upvote for our feature request. Or even better, highlight this issue to your BC rep.


How to handle email exceeding characters limit?

In general, order related emails are the ones that will run into exceeding characters limit issue.

Currently the only workaround is to remove sections of email to reduce number of characters. For example, in order related emails, the order details can be viewed via View Your Order link.

  • So what we can do to reduce characters length is to keep the sections inside the marked rectangle, and remove the rest. This should keep the email within characters limit.
  • Or you can try to remove each section one-by-one until the email is within characters limit.

How to check number of characters used in email?

Go to emails page and select Export HTML for email.

Then Copy HTML to get html code and go to and paste the code to calculate number of characters.